Insulin Resistance Syndrome
The human pancreas produces a hormone called insulin which helps regulate blood sugar levels. It is an essential hormone to keep blood sugar levels in the normal range. However, if our body develops a resistance to this hormone it can lead to several health complications which are collectively called insulin resistance syndrome. By the word resistance, it means that the body does not respond to insulin as it should.
In response to insulin, a healthy body will break food into a more easily usable energy source which is glucose. It signals the pancreas after entering the bloodstream. As a result, it releases insulin. It assists glucose entrance to the liver, fat, and muscle cells. These cells utilise it for various metabolic activities or store it. This stored energy could be used by the body during the period of starvation or during intense physical activity such as workout sessions. Meanwhile, when glucose level gets dropped in the blood it sends negative feedback to the pancreas, preventing it from producing insulin.
In the case of insulin resistance, glucose-storing cells (fat, liver muscles) respond normally to insulin. These cells became unable to process or store glucose. Blood glucose level abruptly increases and the pancreas has to release more insulin to overcome this underlying scenario. This mechanism leads to the over-production of insulin named ‘hyperinsulinemia’. In a healthy body, the pancreas could alone deal with this situation and keep one’s glucose level in the normal range but the condition got worse when cells developed resistance against insulin, leading to type 2 diabetes.
Clinically no symptoms have been observed if the pancreas is working efficiently to cope with insulin resistance. But there comes a time when these beta cells start wearing out and stop insulin secretion. The patient starts showing symptoms when a drop in insulin production raises blood glucose levels. These symptoms could be :
- Polyuria (frequent urination)
- Polydipsia (increased thirst)
- Headache
- Fuzzy vision
- Skin or vaginal irritation and infection
- Delayed healing process
- Hyperphagia (increased appetite)

Prediabetes remained un- noticed even for years. One starts showing its symptoms when it leads to Type-2 diabetes. Certain patients suffering from prediabetes could show the following manifestations:
- Cutaneous papilloma (skin outgrowth)
- Diabetic retinopathy (retinal changes)
- Acanthosis nigrain i.e., darkening of armpit and neck.
In case one is experiencing these symptoms, do visit your nearby healthcare unit.

Risk factors
Risk factors for insulin resistance are obesity,high blood pressure,triglycerides or major depression syndromes. The elevated blood pressure and triglycerides are the main cause of cardio-vascular disorders leading to heart stroke. Regular follow up is mandatory to avoid detrimental effects.
Types of diabetes
Diabetes could be categorised as:
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Gestational diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition, also named juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes. As the name juvenile indicates, it mostly affects those under 20 but may affect them at any age. Apoptosis of beta cells by immunological mechanism results in type-1 diabetes. Patients suffering from this type of diabetes failed to produce insulin. The only solution for such patients is insulin injectables.
Type 2 diabetes
The most common type of diabetes is diabetes type 2 which mostly affects people after 40 years of age. It may also affect children having obesity. The person suffering from type 2 diabetes can produce insulin but this is insufficient or the body is not responding to it. Beta cells are not working efficiently so glucose won’t get into the body cells.
Gestational diabetes
Insulin resistance development in the mother’s body during pregnancy may lead to gestational diabetes. This condition develops due to hormonal imbalance eventually it stops insulin entrance into the mother’s body. As a result, she needs three times more insulin to cope with her insulin demand. It could be life-threatening to both mother and baby. This type of diabetes is treatable with management and physical activities.
Scientists discover several genes for insulin resistance development. These genes in one’s body permit the body to develop resistance against insulin. People of older age groups are more prone to insulin resistance. Few causes of insulin resistance are elaborated as follows
There are several risk factors or causes of diabetes but the leading cause is obesity. Excessive fat deposition in the abdomen and around the organs i.e belly fat leads to chronic inflammation.
This inflammation leads to insulin resistance and cardiovascular disorders.
Physical Inactivity
Lack of physical inactivity may lead to insulin resistance or prediabetes. As we have already mentioned that obesity or excessive belly fat is the leading cause of insulin resistivity.
A healthy routine of regular exercise enhances the metabolic functioning of our body as a result blood glucose levels would be kept in range.
Medical Issues
Following health issues may lead to diabetes;
- Fatty liver disease
- Family history diabetes
- Polycystic ovary and Cushing’s syndrome
- Smoking
- Acromegaly or Apnea
Tests prescribed by medical specialist to diagnose insulin resistance or diabetes
Glucose tolerance test
Glucose fasting test or fasting plasma glucose are used for glucose level could detect gestational or type 2 diabetes.
HB A1c
Glycated haemoglobin A1c screened your blood to detect glucose level for the past three months. It helps the practitioner to have your average glucose level of past three months
Lipid profile
This diagnostic test is used to detect lipids in one’s blood like cholesterol level,LDL,HDL or triglycerides. Their level is normally elevated in pre-diabetic or diabetic patients.
Symptomatic diagnosis is rare in insulin resistance syndrome because as long as our pancreas are producing sufficient insulin we wont show any symptoms. For assessing insulin resistance medical specialist have to consider following factors:
- Family history
- Medical record
- Signs and symptoms
- Physical examination
Following medications may lead to insulin resistance
- Steroids
- Psychiatric
- Blood pressure controlling
- HIV treatment medicines
A diet having high carbohydrates and saturated fats content could be digested easily and causes high blood glucose level. To lower this high glucose level pancreas has to work efficiently. As a result, the pancreas came under stress leading to insulin resistance.
Relationship with metabolic syndrome and diabetes
Metabolic syndrome is a medical condition involving multiple health issues including stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. Metabolic syndrome results in increased blood pressure, blood sugar level, fat deposition around the belly and vital organs, and abnormal triglyceride or cholesterol levels. Obesity due to metabolic syndrome may lead to abnormal fat deposition in the body, as a result, beta cells’ response to insulin becomes difficult. Insufficient insulin production causes elevated blood sugar levels, leading to type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is a reversible process that could be controlled by dietary management at initial level. But once it remain unnoticed it could lead to life-threatening health issues
Certain medical conditions may also be associated with insulin resistance syndrome and could be an aid to diagnose it,such as cardiovascular disease,metabolic syndrome or polycystic ovary (PCOS).
Diabetes could be treated either by managemental or medical practices. A few of them are as follows:
- Dietary management
- Regular exercise
- Weight loss surgery
- Low carbohydrate or fat diet i.e low calorie diet
- Avoiding highly processed food
- Enhance fibre intake
- Counselling for moral support
- Medicines to regulate blood glucose levels
- Blood pressure regulating drugs to avoid cardio-vascular disorders
- Insulin pumps
- Islet cell transplant
Dr. Waseem’s Treatment
As we have already discussed, elevated blood glucose level leading to diabetes is a result of insulin resistance syndrome. Dr waseem clearly mentioned in his lectures that “Treat the cause, treat the disease”. So,we have to lower our insulin level in order to control Insulin Resistance syndrome. Now we will discuss all the possible measures to control insulin level in one’s body. Dr Waseem’s aim is to break the stereotypes or myths about diabetic patients ,spread in our society. Following are few unfavourable diet intake by diabetic patients resulted in their insulin spike:
- Black grams
- Dates, figs or other fruits having high fructose level
- Tamarind and plum juice
- Whole wheat
His major focus is to control this disease without medicinal involvement. He provides his patients with diet plan chats to control their insulin level. He suggests the following protocols to be followed by his patients:
- Low carbohydrate diet (<30% calories)
- Increase fibre intake
- Regular exercise
- Proper sleep routine
- Avoid stressful routine / environment
- Avoid frequent meals
- Intermittent fasting with low calories intake
- Supplements having high protein and low carbohydrates content
- Regular blood work assessment and follow ups

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